
The talk of the town, or should I say that of the entire world is Climate and its nemesis-Pollution. The far fetched thought of losing the warmth and the protective cover of our homes just attained reality in the recent floods in Chennai; heavy rains led to havoc in even the most celebrated of localities as the deluge didn’t read sign boards to not enter the wealth laden streets. The Nature’s tax on the profligate was conspicuously paid by all, notwithstanding class barriers.

Such a danger now looms over Delhi, The Capital of India, that is also the Capital of World Pollution, with particulate matter in air reaching precarious levels. But, what lays ahead as a hurdle in averting a tragedy of sorts in Delhi is the habit of politics that also pervades its air. There is a sense of urgency to protect the residents but as it always turns out to be, the Govt. has woken up only to damage control and faces a mamoth task of bringing a social concensus on strict measures such as the odd/even statute.

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