
charred in the essence of definition,
the world seeks explanation;
to all things unstated,
they inquire, why? there’s no reason;

never do they fathom,
the might of a season;
she never expounds on her
whims and never gives fancies to treason,

she’s called Nature;
you don’t, but she defines you,
and you lay naked only to her discretion.

Juggad to save our air.


The talk of the town, or should I say that of the entire world is Climate and its nemesis-Pollution. The far fetched thought of losing the warmth and the protective cover of our homes just attained reality in the recent floods in Chennai; heavy rains led to havoc in even the most celebrated of localities as the deluge didn’t read sign boards to not enter the wealth laden streets. The Nature’s tax on the profligate was conspicuously paid by all, notwithstanding class barriers.

Such a danger now looms over Delhi, The Capital of India, that is also the Capital of World Pollution, with particulate matter in air reaching precarious levels. But, what lays ahead as a hurdle in averting a tragedy of sorts in Delhi is the habit of politics that also pervades its air. There is a sense of urgency to protect the residents but as it always turns out to be, the Govt. has woken up only to damage control and faces a mamoth task of bringing a social concensus on strict measures such as the odd/even statute.

Will you listen to us?


The plight of the people in Syria.The climate change debate.These are the two prime discources in the world politics ad valorem of the sense of rationalism. Rightly so. It affects the whole of human kind- the discourse.

Long has the Earth been ruled by the most rational thinking animal of the Kingdom which also happens to be at the top of the food Pyraimd, Ladder, or even Everest let’s say 😉 We decide what is warm to us and what causes our glaciers to melt. Should only we? Are we the only living beings on this planet or are we the custodian of the others? or do we not carry a liabilty towards the other million may be zillion species who cannot call Earth their home cause they cannot speak English; oh! they don’t speak at all!, is it?

We will advance, will take may leaps of mankind and reside on some other planet, but will we be able to say goodbye to our neigbours from time infinite, the non linguistic animals who have shared Earth with us, as we move out?

Likely it is that saying Goodbye will be heart wrenching, so atleast we can delay that as much as we can by moving ahead of discourse on to the path of action!